Sunday, May 5, 2013

An hour on the beach

Day 838 - Packing, still packing of course. And in between I add more than 8 hours of work and and hour of back and forth driving and an hour of shopping and... in short, not enough time in the day right now for sure. But through it all I manage to find little moments of calm, little moments of "me time". Tonight my partner came back from a trip at 10 pm and my daughter was on the 11 pm train. And so I picked him up from the train station and we walked across the street to the beach and set there for an hour, enjoying the lull of the gently rolling waves, the cool early summer night, and just enjoy an hour of calm.

I am thankful for all the packing I was able to put in today. I am thankful for a wonderful hour on the beach, my first one this season.

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