Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Packing, day 1

Day 834 - I started packing today. Only two boxes out of about 40 I think but I took the first step. I will pack some more tomorrow and hope to do most of the packing over the weekend. I am planning to throw away a lot of things I don't want to carry with me anymore; to clear my path from some leftovers I don't need and are just pulling me back, pulling me down. I think that moving a house is always a great opportunity to so some serious purging of worldly belongings that are more of a dead weight than a real needed thing. It's funny, most people hate moving because they get attached to places and mostly because of all the work of packing and unpacking but not me; I always look at it as going on an adventure, of starting something new and exciting and as an opportunity to shake my routine and do something different. I will not write much, it's way past midnight and I have to wake up in a few hours but I am so happy to report I took the first serious step towards our move.

I am thankful for a good day at work; for having and good and stable workplace. I am thankful for a fun afternoon at the local market. I am thankful for a wonderful dinner with my partner. and most of all I am thankful for the first two boxes I already put aside; about 5% of my work is behind me, or maybe less but I took the first step and this is always the hardest. Done.

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