Monday, May 13, 2013

Very sad news

Day 846 - We moved today and it was, as expected, a very busy day. We started the day early and it's past midnight and we are still not down for the day.  long day but a very satisfying one. They packed and drove to our new town and unpacked all in about 4 hours. A very good job indeed. I was all happy and wanted to talk about it, about my feeling and more but three hours ago I got a phone call from one of the girls who work with me that one of the doctors in our hospital, someone we work in close cooperation passed away unexpectedly. He was a great cardiac surgeon, and a great person. He was 59 years old, in great shape and it is very shocking for me to think he's just gone. So I will write more about the move tomorrow but today I join all my friends and mourn the passing of this man. May he rest in peace.

I am thankful for a very successful move. I am thankful for an assembled bed to sleep in tonight; its not a given in a moving day. And in a day like today, even more than usual I am thankful that all my loved ones are well and I have more time to enjoy them; I sure don't ever want to take this for granted.

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