Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Taking some time off

Day 847 - we kept unpacking and the house starts to look less boxy and more like a house. Still boxes are strewn everywhere but there are clearances and areas half descent  We even set for coffee to our dining table. And since its a holiday we drove this evening to my parents to celebrate it with them. We were with my daughter and my partner's son, a real family like experience. And it was so wonderful.    

I am thankful for a morning ritual I hope we started today, of sitting with a cup of coffee listening to the day waking up around us and enjoy the company. I am thankful for every box we unpacked, about twenty so far. I am thankful for an amazing evening with my parents, my sister and her family, and our little family. I am so thankful for time we got to spend with loved ones; we don't know what the future holds for us so today  was wonderful and that what matters.

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