Monday, May 27, 2013

Reading a book about Ecclesiastes

Day 860 - I don't know what to write about tonight. My days are uneventful, not that I'm complaining, I know to appreciate the lull, the blessed routine. It's just that when I am trying to choose an event that stands out to write a story about it's a little difficult. But, coming to think about it some more, there's nothing new under the sun but all is new. I can never walk the same path twice and have the same experience, that is if I live even half conscious life. So I did take the same train ride today, like every day,  but it was different, a totally new experience. I read something different in my book, some new and illuminating ideas; I even posted one on my Facebook timeline, since I liked it so much. "The animals, since apparently they are not aware of their own mortality, are living outside of the tyranny of time, and that means an eternity. I really like the book;  very heavy philosophy yet written in a way that makes it accessible to the laymen. I read and enjoy every minute. I love those train rides; the time carved out of my day just for reading, "me time". I used to drive every day the same amount of time but in my car so I could not read and being stuck in traffic also means a much less enjoyment. I see myself lucky for changing my residence and with that upgrading my quality of life in more ways that expected. 
I am thankful for this book I am reading; I'll have to read it few more times to get all or most of the wisdom it tries to convey. I am thankful for this quality of life I gained by having the courage to move out of the city.I am thankful for being mortal in exchange for having some wisdom that grows with the years (yes, another pearl of wisdom from this book) 

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