Saturday, May 25, 2013

First stage of the yard project

Day 857 - I am going over old post and I can't find the post for day 857; not really sure where it is but I can't find it. I guess I erased it by mistake. How sad. I lost a day.
May it be the only day I ever lose...

Day 858 - it is Saturday, our day off, and it gives us time to work on the house, and this is what we did. Cleaning and unpacking and my partner worked for several hours weeding the front yard and sowing. By the end of the day, we have a clean house, a beautiful front yard that we are going to water a lot in the next few day to ensure the seeds will grow, and very tired inhabitants. But it is the good kind of tired, the one that comes from physical labor; the one that you look out the window and it makes you all fuzzy and happy inside. And so I am going to sleep now happy after a very productive day that took us a huge step forward.

I am thankful for a very productive and fulfilling day. I am thankful for the feeling of home I already have in a place I only live in for less than two weeks. I am thankful for a much appreciated and needed sleep.

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