Saturday, June 28, 2014

About anger

Day 1255 - I am reading a book about anger written by a Buddhist monk name Thich Nhat Hanh. And he says that when we get angry we have to tend to it and not to keep fighting with the other person. Our anger is like a wounded child and our job is to embrace it and take care of it instead of trying to make the other person feel bad too. I loved that idea, the picture it gives me. When we realize that we have to take care of ourselves first we will act very differently in situations like that. It is so easy to loose ourselves in the battle and he brings in a calming reality. Our wounded self is the only thing we have to think of in moments like that and by tending to it we do that and we also prevent the escalation of the situation and we avoid hurting the other person. It is of course easier said than done, but if we'll remember it every once in a while we did well already. So here I am trying to do my little part for a better and more harmonious world.

I am thankful I came across this book after years I didn't touch it; nothing is a coincidence I believe. I am thankful for lessons I learn every day, for opportunities to get better. I am thankful for a wonderful weekend.

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