Sunday, June 29, 2014

About School vacation

Day 1256 - we live right next to an elementary school and every morning the happy sounds of children at play is a welcome start for the day. It always amazes me to hear them so absorbed in the games, so much in the moment with no coaching and no explanations from a Buddhist monk or a coach or a psychologist. They still have the "know how" before life and the training they go through in school and in life make them forget who they are and why are they here, before they become domesticated. . And then, much later in life few are trying to get back to that wisdom but this time when we are all beat up and scratched and scarred from our life experiences. How wonderful it could be if we can find away to keep that inner child intact and so close to the surface...
So tomorrow is the last day of school before they go to their summer vacation. I'll miss this cheerful wake up and this reminder to stay connected, to take life in a little less heavy and serious way. I hope to remember this constant reminder for the next two months.
I am thankful for the daily lessons these kids teach us. I am thankful for every mindful moment I can master in my life.

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