Monday, June 23, 2014

My Kilimanjaro dream

Day 1250 - my partner, knowing how much I want to climb mount Kilimanjaro, surprised me today with a video of a Kilimanjaro climb. Watching in awe I made a resolve once again to attempt a summit of this formidable mountain. So now it is only a question of when not of if. No one promises me a success of course but an attempt is something I can do and I am not going to give up this dream. With the store and all it might take a little longer than originally planned but I am going to do that. To live my dream, to reach for the unreachable star.
I am thankful for this reminder of big dreams and big plans; I love the excitement and the sense of achievement they bring in their wake. I am thankful to my partner for the effort and for how touched he was by what we saw.

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