Monday, June 9, 2014

The family guardian

Day 1236 - my daughter flew this morning to visit the family. Our family is half way around the world. It takes almost 24 hours to get there so we sure don't see each other enough. But she is doing much better than I do. It's her second trip in less than a year and she is going to be there for a very long time. It's probably going to be a little difficult for her to be away from her daily life for so long and in a place she doesn't belong to anymore. But I think it's wonderful she can do it. Our family is wide spread and we are also too far to be in each other's life. Do for five weeks now she is going to change that and really be with her father and her siblings. Quality time like we haven't had in a very long time. I am happy she is taking this trip and doing her part to stay in her siblings' life. There are not many things more important than that. Or else when the parents will be gone the kids won't keep in touch and it makes me sad even to think of it as a possibility.
I am thankful my daughter is making every effort to keep the family together. I am thankful for the reminder to all how we should behave. I am thankful to have three wonderful children and I pray they'll stay united despite the distance.

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