Sunday, June 22, 2014

Life is wonderful

Day 1249 - no big news; nothing exciting to report. But the truth is that I am OK with that after a very intense weekend. My parents are OK, my kids are OK, my partner, myself... What else can I ask for? I see so many people around who cannot say that. So many people who are living their life as if it was some kind of a punishment instead of realizing how precious life is and celebrate every day. So of course I don't celebrate every single day, but I never forget to look around and see how lucky I am, how fulfilled my life is and how this is not something I can ever take for granted. I never forget that it is not a given and I never forget to thank the planet or god or however we want to call these amazing forces around us that protect, and help us every step of the way. I am so lucky to live here in the country I love, with people I love, doing things that I love. And even every trial I go through has its purpose; to make me a better person, thus to make my life better and richer. I go to sleep tonight with a song in my heart. How lucky I am to be alive.
I am thankful for this simple truth; my life is just wonderful. I am thankful for every trial, for every triumph, for every failure; it's how we grow and deepen our roots and our mental and spiritual strength. I am thankful I can go to sleep now and wake up tomorrow for another blessed day here on this planet of ours.  

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