Saturday, June 7, 2014

The blessings of a weekend

Day 1234 - Saturday night, refreshed after the weekend and ready to face a new week. The holidays are all behind us now until our new year and we have a long stretch to work the best we can to bring the store to where we think it has the potential to be. A quite weekend of eating right, resting and a little beach time as well. I love living in this city by the sea and have a ten minutes ride or less from our door to the sea shore, especially on the weekend when traffic is light. Big plans for a long hike today have changed in the last moment, but maybe next week. The trails won't go away and the circumstances might be more favorable. Hiking or not, the rest is much needed and much appreciated.

I am thankful for yet another beach day, one in many since the summer just begun. I am thankful for some "us" time. I am thankful for time to recharge and collect ourselves and be ready, once again.

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