Saturday, June 14, 2014

About a city mouse and a country mouse

Day 1241 - a sunny and warm day, so very pleasant. Again in our little home and little garden that got a boost today with 150 gallons of potting soil and 15 pots. Not all are filled yet and planted but some do and we have now cucumbers seeds and bell peppers and I hope they will grow and enrich our little organic garden. we use the spices all the time - thyme, basil, marjoram, parsley, coriander, mint, and few more. we have little green tomatoes and many more tomato plants that still didn't bloom. In short the dream we had when we left the city is taking shape as we returned. and I love it.
I am thankful for a restful weekend. I am thankful I get to play "farmer" in the middle of a bustling city and enjoy both worlds.

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