Monday, February 7, 2011

Cold winter night

Day 20 - Another cold and rainy day. And I think that my apartment might actualy be built of ice - it's so cold here that the little area heater I have doesn't do much good. I can wear a shirt and a sweatshirt on top of it and I'd still cold. Yesterday I found out that it is actually warmer outside than in here! but at least it's dry, so definitely a good reason to be thankful. I can deal with a cold apartment better than with a leaky one :)
So, on my way back from work today, knowing full well that it is going to be another very cold evening, I decided that there's no reason I won't enjoy it.  Since I cannot change it, I can at least take full advantage of it. So, this is how things look here right now -
I got home, took a long, hot shower, put on my fuzzy socks, and my pajamas, and now I am sitting in my tiny living room covered with my wonderful comforter a hot tea next to me and I am typing away on my laptop, listening to wonderful music. Life is beautiful!! It makes me wish for an eternal winter.
just kidding.
But, I am really thankful for this cold evening that gave me the opportunity to enjoy such a great evening, and to do something so special for myself.

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