Saturday, February 12, 2011

Visit to the Art Gallery

Day 25 - After almost 2 weeks of rain there was a break. A very welcome break. The sky was blue and the sun was shining and the air was warm. We couldn't do much since my daughter can't walk much right now and I didn't have a car for this weekend. But we walked outside and we could see everywhere people getting out of their homes and into the streets, just like us. It was so good to see sights of early spring after this long and cold winter.
We walked by an art show where many picture were offered for sale. We actually bought 3. It was very funny to see the two of us walking in the city center with these pictures. But it made me so happy - after months of bare walls I we hung them all and it looks so lovely. My tiny apartment start to get more personal feel, more like home.

I am very thankful today for one more step I took in settling here. I have some art on the walls. For me music and pictures something are very important that has to be added right away into the mix. Waiting for it for half a year was not something easy , and today I took a giant step in this direction.

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