Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Health Insurance

Day 21 - I got health insurance!! I have to admit, I was very slow to start the process. Few months to be more precise. And than I had to start going through all the good old bureaucracy. It's open only on certain days and for very few hours, and only during the morning so each time I had to miss work to go to that agency. And than I had to bring all these forms, which translates to another office to visit with different time schedule, but also only in the morning... to make a 3 months long process short, I finished all the paperwork last month and than they submit it to the main office and the wait period starts. And all this time I just hoped I will not get really sick, since I don't have medical insurance. But today, I am very happy to report that all this saga is behind me and I got my insurance card today and already scheduled a Dr appointmeant for tomorrow so I can start the next step in the chain - applying for Driver's licence, which requires a Dr signature and this what held it up until now.
So, today is a very important mile stone in my resettling back in my homeland - I got medical insurance.
I am very thankful to have this insurance, but I am even more thankful for my health and for the fact I didn't have to see a doctor in the last 6 months. I hope it will stay this way and that I'll pay for health care but never have to use it.

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