Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My work

Day 22 - We are getting really busy at work. and as we get more people we produce more work and we get more busy so we need more people, and we all produce more work... You get the picture. So now we are at the stage that we need one more person. Two months ago, we advertised that we needed some help and from all the big pile of CVs that we got there was one woman who was way too qualified for the job, but also way too good to ignore. So I called her and we talked for a few moments and I told her that I will keep her info and if something will come up - I'll call her. so this week when we decided to hire again I called her to see if she is still available. and she was so today she came in for an interview. It was very sad to hear that this highly qualified woman cannot find a job just because she is of a certain age. no one will even invite her for an interview. I was so sad to hear that. instead of realizing the great things an older person can bring to the job - experience, knowledge, calm, stability and so much more. But our society worship youth, not only in this country but all over the world, and once you hit a certain age you become obsolete. and this is sad and wrong. on so many levels. and to think that I just came here, sure that in no time I can find work.and to realize that this is exactly what happened.
So today I am thankful for the wonderful job I got, for the people who put their trust in me and hired me and are still there for me everyday, and for the people I work with who make my everyday so wonderful. I love my job. I feel we are all doing there something that is so important, and I am so thankful for to be part of that.

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