Sunday, March 25, 2012

Writing Poetry

Day 432 In the past few days I started writing poetry again. All is the good influence of the same wonderful man I always talk about. He writes poetry and after reading several of his poems, it made me want to try my hand again in this medium. I didn’t write any poetry for years and I am very rusty of course. But looking at the bright side - for the past 20 some years I didn’t write anything, so as rusty as it is and as crude as it is I am so happy to be able to connect the dots in this very special way again. This is the explanation I guess to the burst of poetry at the foot of the Parthenon. I cannot publish it here, it is written in my native language and not in English, and it’s way too personal anyway. But I am happy, so happy for finding my own voice again.
I am so thankful I started writing poetry after so many years of silence; I hope that with practice, my writings will get better. I am thankful to the man in my life for inspiring me to go in that direction. I am thankful for all the beautiful pieces he wrote and shared with me. I am thankful to the Great Creator for this gift of writing.

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