Friday, March 4, 2011

Tulips on the Beach

Day 45 - I don't work on Friday, so it's always my cleaning day and shopping for the weekend. So, I cleaned my apartment - definitely something to be thankful for, since I think I have here a hidden factory of dust bunnies, so by the end of the week they are already well noticed :(   I went shopping for some food supplies for the weekend and made a wonderful cheese cake, another reason to be thankful.
But most importantly, it was another beautiful day today, so after finished all my "to-do" list for the day I called a friend and we both went for a hike. I chose a hidden gem  I didn't visit in many years. The sandstone hills along the shore. This is a 4 km long trail along the shore between sandy little inlets, and rolling hills. Usually the place is yellowish brown with only very few sturdy plants holding on to the rocks, but at this time a year it is all lush green and in full bloom. The two most exciting ones are the purple irises and the red tulips. there were carpets of tulips. What a sight! and with the gentle wind and the warm sun and the very gentle waves on the water - it was a perfect afternoon.
I am thankful that I have a car now and I can venture out on a moment's notice to see all the beauty around me. I am thankful that 20 minutes from the bustling city were I live I can find nature in all its splendor. I am so thankful for this gift of a beautiful spring day.

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