Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Board Games Night

Day 71 - Today I was driving around with my daughter and we were contemplating what can we do for fun this evening. And we came up with the great idea of playing some board game. Since we left all the games when we moved here, we decided to go and buy one. We went into a children games store that had tons of games and to the question of the nice guy who worked there we said that we are actually looking for a game for us to play. He just loved it. for the next half an hour he showed us and explained every cool game in the store and after we already bought the two we wanted, he set and palyed with us one of the many games they had there for display. it is such a great store and the two guys working there are so knowledgeable and really like it when someone appreciate games. We had so much fun!  From there we went into a local cafe and just set there for over two hours and played. We haven't done that since we left home - now more than 8 months ago. I almost forgot how much fun it is to spend an evening playing and laughing and just being silly. We never really care who wins, we just enjoy playing, and this is part of what makes it so special. It was such a great evening.
I am so thankful for a great evening. I am thankful that we both can make fools of ourselves in public no problems. I am so thankful for the simple things in life that make them so great, a laugh, a smile, playing a board game on a random evening in the middle of the week with my beloved daughter. I am so thankful for being so blessed.

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