Monday, March 14, 2011

Watching a friend's back

Day 55 - A close relative is writing her memoirs with the help of a professional writer. She is working on it for a few months already and every once in a while I hear some comments from her about the progress of this project. Today after work I came to visit her and the writer was there with her. she brought her an almost done book, already printed and bounded for the very final comments before sending it to print. It looked really nice and I praised her for that. I saw many pictures I've never seen before, so I kept looking and than a typo caught my eye and I told her. She said that no problem, this is why she brought the copy so my relative can make any comments she wanted, find any errors or anything else that needs changing. So I kept leafing through the book and as I am getting to the end I saw something that almost curdled my blood. She brought up an old family dispute and presented it in the most vicious way. It was like stabbing someone very dear to me in the back. And knowing her, she would've  give him the book with a very sweet smile and not mention anything. Maybe even write a nice dedication on his copy. And that entry she made was very mean and very untrue and presented him as a complete heartless, guy without even mentioning in one sentence all the good things he did for her during the years, and actually taking credit for some of his actions. I was angry. I told her how wrong she is by putting it into paper, and how unfair it is to do something like that - he cannot and will not defend himself but he will be hurt to a degree I don't know if he can recover from. I know the story intimately, so I could bring up all the real facts and refute any false one she brought up trying to defend her acts. After a few moments, the writer said, well you can just not write anything about the whole episode or you can write a different version, but you cannot write things that are not right, we have to change it. I don't know if they will, but I sure hope so. But at least I now know about it and if it will not be changed, I can give my friend a warning so he will know what to expect. But I will not let it happened, even if it will take a fight, I am not going to let that old relative to hurt my friend for no reason in such a vicious way.  
It is not a nice story but I am so very thankful I was in the right place in the right time and prevented such cruelty. I don't even want to think of the outcome otherwise.

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