Saturday, March 19, 2011

Visiting my parents

Day 60 - I lived in another country for 22 years. I just moved back about 8 months ago. And time didn't stop just because I was away, my parents got older and I was always thinking that when I come to visit once a year the number of times I can still see than is measured at very little, my father is 83 already. And it's kind of un-nerving to think this way, it made me feel really bad. I took away their daughter, and their grandchildren and they are too old and too frail to travel for more that 24 hours. It is a difficult flight even for me and I am much younger.
So being back here I talk with them few times a week and I make a point of seeing them every few weeks. It creates a much more natural tempo and much less pressure on each visit. I have to admit - I enjoy it so much more when it is just for a weekend and not for a whole week. I was there this weekend and it was really nice. My dad started to tell stories from the war (WWII) and i recorded it. I am trying to convince him for a long time to write his memoirs and he keeps saying he can't, so maybe i can transcribe it from these recordings. In short - a very good weekend.
I am so thankful that I am back here and can enjoy these years with my parents. I am thankful that after so many years apart I can still find ways to stay connected. I am so thankful for this opportunity to try and keep and record some of my father's story before it will be too late. I am especially so thankful that they are still alive so we could have this time together; too many of my friends there were not that lucky.

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