Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Storm

Day 50 - I woke up this morning to very strong winds, much stronger than usually storms and a hail storm, the first I've seen here in may years of course, and torrential rains. As soon as I got into my car the rains started, at time so heavy that the wipers were barley able to keep the windshield clear. 15 minutes later when I got to work the rain stopped and I was able to get to work dry. It heavily rained most of the day but cleared again when I walked to my car and again when I arrived home. and it rained since than almost non stop and the winds are blowing at full force. But we are tucked safely in our little home with out little heater that is really not doing much for the whole house but is enough to keep us warm here in our little living room. Add to that a wonderful warm soup, a few good movies (for my daughter) and a very good book for me and you have a perfect evening.
I am thankful that I managed to get to work and back without being drenched. I am thankful that I didn't take an umbrella today and so it didn't break. And mostly I am thankful for this storm that gives me an opportunity to have a specially nice and cosy evening and that will make me appreciate the sun and the calm weather so much more when the storm will pass.

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