Tuesday, April 12, 2011

About Life and Death

Day 84 - I went to a funeral today of a 50 years old woman. She was very sick for a very long time, but it looked like she is making a real progress and suddenly she just died. They found her sitting in a chair, as if she fell asleep. As always, such an event makes me ponder about death and how frail our lives are. I can be dead from one moment to the next. Because of accident or a tsunami or an earthquake or a heart failure. We never know when is our time and in many cases it will be so sudden and so final, we won't even have a chance to say our goodbyes. And it makes me think once again of how I should live my life, to accept the fact that my life are of finite length, and that I will die one day and if I want to be able to look back and be happy I have to make them count.

*  Never forget to say I love you to a loved one
*  Never forget to say I am sorry
*  Never delay doing the things that are important to me
*  Live my life now, be in the moment, live my dreams
*  Learn to appreciate the little things in life

I am thankful that my time is not up yet, that I can still make some strides. I am thankful to all the people I love that make my life so wonderful and I am thankful for the opportunity I get every morning to make my day stand out, and special. I am thankful that sometimes I actually do that. And of course I wish for more time, but I am thankful for my life and if it is my last day, I can be OK with that.

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