Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A very Special Friend

Day 77 - a very close friend of mine came for a few days visit. We had a real fall out for a long time and so it was difficult to meet and stay somehow close, especially in the past few months. after so many years we knew each other and the last few times we met we were so awkward with each other to the point I just didn't want to see him. between being sad and being annoyed it just didn't feel right anymore. and this weekend he was here again and we met for a few hours and it was so nice. a meeting full of laughter and fun, it felt like old times even better. for years it didn't feel so nice. he looked and sounded better and was easy going and charming as his old self. I was so happy about that. moving to a different country and having some serious strain in the relationship before that are not very promising conditions for friendships. the fact that we have so much history together and the great healer called time might have played a counter act. I also think that he is in a better place in his personal life as well. what ever the reason is, I am so happy things are getting better. it is very painful to loose a dear friend.
I am thankful for the really nice time we had and for the hope of overcoming difficulties. I am thankful we both finally are talking with our adult voice and actually dealing with some baggage. I am thankful for this friendship, for all friendships. Life will be so different without our close friends, who lad a hand, an ear, a heart to each other in good times and bad. And I am especially thankful to see this friendship emerging from the ashes. I hope we'll be smart enough to keep it, now that we know how bad it feels to loose it.

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