Monday, April 11, 2011

A busy Evening

Day 83 - I started last week on a coaching program how to start your own business. I always wanted to take this course and now that I have the time to do that I can finally take it. The only problems is that I don't really have any idea for a business, it is just something I want to learn, but I am suppose to have something so I thought maybe coaching. This is something I really am thinking about doing, especially since I took the women circle class. So I went today to an introduction to a coaching class in the university here. It is an evening class for a full year. Sounds very interesting but not the direction I am interested. It was a business development coaching where as I am thinking more of being a spiritual coach. So I went and listen but decided not to sign up. Still I am very happy that I came to that introduction class, it mean I am taking actual steps in pursuing my dreams. I am exploring the options I have here in my community to study the things I want, to learn and to develop my skills. when I came home I decided to take another French lesson. Every day is not something I can keep and I also think it is too many words in a short time and it will become a big mess, but if Ill do new section once or twice a week and repeat what I learn until it sits well with me for another day or two - it will be much more effective. So by now I have about 150 new words in French and I understand everyone of them and also some simple questions and some grammar rules. I can even say - Je suis une femme and also J'ai des fleurs rouges. What a productive day!!
I am very thankful for the opportunity today to be able to work on things that matter to me. I am thankful that I have this luxury to do what I want for myself, for self development. I am very thankful to be one tiny little step closer to fulfill one or two of my bucket list goals. And I will keep looking for the right class.

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