Thursday, April 21, 2011

Going Back Home, but only for a visit

Day 93 - I am traveling back home in a week. It's been more than 4 months since I've seen my kids and I am really looking forward to that trip. It is a business trip and I am going to be very busy, but the most important thing is to see my son and oldest daughter. I am very excited about that. I really miss them. It's true that since both of them already left home, we did not see each other on a daily basis, for long periods of time, but in the months before my departure, my son was back home and my daughter spend there at least two days per week. So it was a big change even if in the past we already experienced long periods of separation. I am also planning to have one thing for my own enjoyment - sky diving. I hope the weather will cooperate. this is something I had on my Bucket List for a very long time and now, on this trip I am planning to do that. I don't care how scary it might be, I am going to face my fear and do it. It is time to cross it off from the list. I saw  my parents this weekend and it made me realize - that I have very little time to do all the things I am dreaming to still do. And if I will not take active steps in that direction I will end up with a lot of unfulfilled dreams and this is not something I want to see. So form now on I have to tackle few of the item every year. I am so looking forward to that, I tell everyone about it. This is one of the most exciting things on my list even though it lasts only 2 minutes, but I am sure it will be such a thrill and the feeling will be with me for much, much longer.
I am most thankful that I am going to see my children in a week time. I am so thankful, that I have the means to do that. it is not a given and so I am very thankful I can. I am thankful for coming up with the idea to create my own Bucket List (after seeing the movie). I am thankful for the opportunity to plan ahead to that most special event, and to dream about it - waiting is half the fun. I am thankful that at the age when most people are slowing down, I still have the energy and the passion to do crazy things and challenge myself as much as I can. I know that one day I will have to slow down, but thankfully that day is not here yet.

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