Friday, April 8, 2011

Dare to Dream

Day 80 - Friends of mine invited me to come with them to an evening lecture. It was a presentation by a guy that is doing extreme challenges on a regular basis. Once a year he goes on one of his "missions". He showed pictures from his North Pole and South Pole trips, a 100 km Marathon in the Sahara desert, and in Antarctica,  ascending Mt. Denali and Mt. Mont Blanc, cross country of Greenland, ascending the Everest, and climbing El Capitan. I probably forgot a few. For more than an hour he went over one crazy challenge after the next and I was dumbfounded. He concluded his talk with 10 tips for success. the first one was courage - the courage to dream the impossible. I was talking to some of the people attending the presentation asking what did it do to them - does it make them want to go out and do something crazy. but the answer was no, I didn't ask them all but from all those I did ask not even one was challenged. I think he summarized it very well. It takes gut, it takes a lot of courage to dare to dream big, knowing full well that you might fail. and most people resort to dream small so not to feel the pain of failure, but what they don't get is that they also will never feel a true exhilaration of succeeding in making the impossible a reality. So what is my extreme challenge? I want to dream big and I want to try and fail and try again and win. For me the sky diving that I chose is an extreme challenge. Maybe after I'll do it it won't feel so challenging, but right now it is. And I know I am afraid and I push my own comfort zone and this is the result I was hoping for. My Kilimanjaro dream is also such an extreme, and I will make it in 2 years with my daughter, but I have to start thinking and planning another challenge - one for later this year and one for next year. I don't have too many years I can still do it, so I have to put more into the next few years, before it will be too late. I hope my knees will get better so I can add another marathon to my list - I would love to do a marathon with better time than I did. What I love most about it and I say it a lot is that I like the challenge to try new things, but I never though of it as the courage to dream.
I am so thankful for this inspiring lecture. I am thankful that he put the right words to the thoughts and ideas I had. I am thankful for that challenge to dream big and increase my awareness. I am thankful for my mind full of ideas, that I am not too afraid to dream.

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