Saturday, April 2, 2011

Horseback Riding

Day 74 - Saturday became my trips day in the past few weeks, and today was no exception. The weather was just OK no more. grey sky, low visibility, but warm and not humid, so nothing to complain. My daughter came with me so long hike three weeks after a knee surgery is not really possible but I was hoping to get a short one, just so she can see the amazing bloom I keep talking about. We drove to a place I visited few weeks ago but it was not that pretty close to the parking area and I was reluctant to go deep in with her. So we decided to just drive around and enjoy it from the car. And than she had the great idea to go horseback riding. We found a near by ranch and it was only the two of us a little chatty girl as a guide. We rode through through olive groves, rolling hills and carpets of flowers, so tall the horses didn't even have to bend to munch on  them. and it was so beautiful. it's an area that no one walks so only a very narrow trail of the horses and everything else lush green, with flowers in all the colors, some of them I didn't see yet anywhere else. and it was a perfect day  to ride, not too hot not too bright and not too windy. We also rode through the archaeological digs I visited a while back, and again it gives me the real sense of this very special country where the new and the old live side by side in perfect harmony. Where you can ride a horse between 2000 years old ruins, and not even realize how speciall it is, how ancient and special is this area. I also found it very interesting how different everything looks from a little higher point of view, from a horses saddle. I hiked some of these places only few weeks ago but I missed so much, being too close to the ground. Even to enjoy the beauty of a land you need to get the bigger picture.
I am thankful for a very lovely day, for riding a horse after a few years I didn't and most of all for another wonderful weekend I got to spend with my daughter. I am also thahkful that she got to see the bloom even though she can't hike to these places yet and by the time she can do it the season might be over, since spring is a very short season here, on the edge of the desert.

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