Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nesting Instinct

Day 82 - I went to see an apartment for rent after work and although it was nice, I decided to wait and not take it. It was good but too many compromises and when I am renting I don't have to compromise, at least not on the important things, so the location is amazing but I am going to wait for the right one. It's funny, but with rental I really don't have to compromise, I just wait for the next one to come on the market, which is not the case when buying. So right now I have a place to live, it might be cramped and not in great shape but I do have a roof over my head and if I am going to the trouble of moving, I don't want to do it every few months so I will wait. I just realized something very interesting. I came to this country only 8 months ago with 2 suitcases and now when I move out, I'll need a mover. I accumulated a lot of stuff, and I didn't think about it until now. I bought fridge and stove, and washing machine and a bed, and so much more. I settled down very fast. I guess that the nesting instinct is very strong. as much as I said I wanted to stay free and un-attached, in reality I didn't and I left the very minimal life style very fast. From a 1 bedroom apartment I am now looking at 3 bedrooms. it is so easy to get spoiled, to accumulate, to look for more. But the truth is, I felt like I've proved a point but now I want my little luxuries such as a nice and well maintained apartment, very updated and not with 30 years old kitchen cabinets and bathroom. I learned something very important about myself. I like nice things and as much as I want to live a very spartan life in theory, I am not sure I do in real life, or at least they can be minimal but of very high quality.
So today I am thankful for some new things I learn about myself. I am thankful that I had a chance to test some of my theories and discard the ones that don't really work. I am as always thankful for my life and for the day, as uneventful as it was. I am thankful for being here from mor till night and hopefully I'll be here tomorrow as well. I should never take something so crucial for granted. I should feel thankful for every breath I draw, for every little thing I see and hear.

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