Thursday, February 9, 2012

I am Finally Painting

Day 387 Today in my painting class I stared actually painting with paints and brushes on canvas. It’s really funny but I felt almost intimidated. What am I supposed to do? So my teacher suggested to make a color variations theme, just to learn to make different shades of color. And I did.  I decided to paint a hot air balloon, sort of, just for all the colors and I had so much fun creating more and more colors from only two colors blue and red and of course white. Two hours later I finished my first creation and I am so happy of that. Of course it’s not a great piece of art, but it is my best yet in color and it’s going on my wall. And as my works will get better it will be happy to give its prime location to better ones, that I am sure will come. But today I am not looking long term, I enjoy the little moment of joy I have in my hands right now; the fact that after few months of drawing I dared taking brushes and paints and making my first real picture.  And I have to admit, it’s a great step forward. I see my friends in class all paining beautiful things and I didn’t even know how to approach it, and so today I took the first step in that direction and it will get better from here, I know that. There is an expression about seeing the world in black and white, and this is drawing; different shades of black. Today I took red and blue paints and added life to something that was so plain and lifeless without it, and so vibrant with.
I am thankful for yet another wonderful art class. I am thankful I dared trying paints. I am thankful I love painting so much and I am sure that now my life will be oven more exciting for that.

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