Friday, February 3, 2012

You've Got Mail...

Day 381 Two weeks ago I started corresponding with a man I found on one of the dating sites. I don’t like to immediately talk on the phone since there is nothing to say – we don’t know each other and it’s a little uneasy. So I wrote and the guy answered back that he is on a business trip abroad. So we started writing emails to each other. At the beginning once a day and later twice a day and the last few days it was several emails per day. This is something I have never done before and I just happen to find the right partner for that. It is very interesting to see how much we share the same values, philosophies, and so much more; it feels like I met my soul mate. It’s also interesting to see how fast I started to actually looking forward to these emails. And we both made a point of sending one before the other wakes up and another before we go to sleep. I got to the point where before I got out of bed I would reach for my iPhone and look for his morning email and a happy smile would appear on my face. It’s all really nice except we never met, or even talked. I wrote today that usually people meet from the outside in. They first meet a stranger and then they start slowly getting to know each other and share slowly a little of their private inner world. Here it was the opposite; we know by now a lot about each other’s inner world but nothing about the outside one – we never talked or saw each other. I told him it is the road less traveled, and I like it. So right now he is already on the plane on his way back from this very long business trip. I guess we will talk or even meet in the next few days and see if this is a good way to meet people or not. Can we also find real chemistry after we found so much interest in the person? The next few days will tell. But regardless, I think we will be good friends.
I am thankful for an experience I never had before; of having a real partner to such a strange game. I am thankful for all the sharing, all the caring, for making a new friend. I am thankful this trip is over and he is on his way back. I can’t wait to meet him; I can only hope it will be as good. I am thankful to the universe for arranging that our paths will cross.

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