Saturday, February 25, 2012

At A Loss for Words

Day 403 One more suicide. One more life lost, a family in ruins, close friends that their lives will never be the same. What do you say to a 19 years old boy who lost one of his best friends, who just in one night was forced to become a man? What do you say to a 19 years old girl who is facing this devastating reality again, the second time in less than a month? How do you go on? Every time that something like that strikes I remain speechless and I just hug her tightly and hope I can give her some of my strength. I never saw so much death growing up. I don’t know if I was just lucky or times were different. But, my daughter in her tender age had to face already so many suicides. and every time we say the same thing, and every time she is in so much pain. It’s been a little less than 3 years since the first one and they keep coming. What is wrong in our society that the only solution is death? How can we make people more attached to others, anchored well? How do you show them to seek for help instead of ending it all when the going gets rough? What can we do to help? How can this horrific spiral be stopped? So many questions and so few answers. Such a sad night.
I am thankful I can go to sleep tonight hugging my beloved daughter, I hope I can make her pain a little easier for that. My heart goes out to these parents who lost everything last night.

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