Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Counting my Blessings

Day 379 I made a repositioning yesterday of my thoughts. And today I could already feel the difference. It is almost midnight again, I am a little tired but I am not drained. It was very rainy today, but I decided to see the beautiful side of it. When I got to work I looked at the gray sea and the very dark skies and it was so beautiful I had to take out my camera and shoot a few pictures. I sure didn’t do that for a long time; and even such a simple act sets the tone for the rest of the day. I am planning to send as many blessings as I can before I go to sleep, there is so much in my life I am thankful for and I want to bless everything and everyone around me. I made a very interesting experiment today. At lunch one of my friends started saying something very negative and so I said that I am so thankful for so many things. And to her sour comment of what can we be thankful in a gray and rainy day like today I said than I am thankful for a warm bed and hot shower and for a roof over my head exactly because of the rain and the cold, that I am thankful I have food to eat and money to buy what I need. In short, it changed the whole atmosphere of the discussion. I know that by sending positive vibes to my surrounding I can change so much of my own experience, of my day; and I love it. I’ll try to remember that every single day. I am going to sleep now, unhurried and at peace, send some blessings and go to sleep. I know that just by doing something as simple as that my tomorrow will be a very good day.
I am thankful for an amazing storm in the sea this morning, for a sight out of a magazine, so perfect and strong. I am thankful for being able to make today a better day just because of the realizations I made yesterday. I am thankful I was able to control my thoughts today when something really disturbed the peace, and I was able to quench the storm before it escalated, before it had a negative effect on me. I am thankful for a friend who virtually accompanied my life in the past two weeks and brightened my mornings and my eves. I am thankful for all the blessings in my life.

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