Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Going PPD free

Day 909 - Ever since my daughter almost died because of hair dye I was considering whether I should keep using such a product. Before I never even thought about that twice but I found the hard way that these are very strong and dangerous chemicals, especially PPD that can trigger devastating allergic reactions. But on the other hand, I was not allergic to it and I didn't want to go grey and on top of it, the process of changing is difficult. the hair looks very unkempt. So I kept thinking about it but did nothing. Every time I dyed my hair I go through the same ritual and finally, I decided to do something about it, especially since I am getting rushed on the back of my neck and I was getting more concerned about PPD allergy. So I did some serious research and found that there are few companies that are manufacturing hair dyes without PPD and one of them is available in a few hair salons in my country. And so today I finally did it. I got my hair dyed with a PPD free dye and I can't wait to see how I will react to it and of course how the dye will hold but I am so very happy I finally took the right step to protect myself and use safer dye. Who knows, maybe I'll be brave one of those days and go gray. But until then I go PPD free dyes.
I am thankful I finally did it and switched to PPD free dye;it is safer for me and for my daughter to be around me. I am thankful some companies manufacture such dyes even if they are so much more challenging to work with. I am thankful my daughter was with me today and took the opportunity to have her first hair cut since the shock and the loss of all her hair; a blessed day, for sure, a festive one.  

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