Sunday, April 22, 2012

Changing My Plans

Day 460 – And I am back to my old self. I had my painting class today since Thursday is our Independence Day, so no classes of course. Usually I don’t know what I am going to paint and I start thinking about it when I get to class, but today I had it all planned out. The daughter of one of my best friends is getting married and I had this idea of making a paining for her with an amazing love poem and a rose. I had it all planned out until I came to class and prepped my canvas. I painted an uneven background with yellow and orange and for some reason when I finished this layer I looked at my canvas and it didn’t look like a rose will be a good fit for it, I looked at it and I thought – it’s an ocean scene or a dessert scene, but not a rose. I looked in a landscapes book and found this beautiful photo of rocky islands at sunset and I knew right away that this is what I was looking for. So no rose but something so special instead. It is not done yet, of course, but I love it already; I love even more the intense feeling I had about not doing the rose, what I have instead is so much more interesting and so much more me. It still requires a lot of work but I really like it.
I am thankful for todays’ art class, you know I love it and I am always thankful for having it in my life. I am thankful for the inspiration I got, it feels so special to suddenly just ‘know’. I am thankful for a walk I got to enjoy with one of my friends from class and a heart-to-heart talk. I am so thankful for friendships I keep forging here; it’s what keeps me going on the more difficult days. I am thankful to my daughter for an amazing lesson in maturity and observation skills, for her wide open heart, for her love.

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