Sunday, April 8, 2012

Evening on the Beach

Day 446 It was a very warm day today and so after work I drove to the beach and stayed there for almost 3 hours, until after the sunset. I thought about it this morning already so I had a good book with me and I just sat there and read. It was so much fun after a long winter to enjoy the sea again. I love those quiet hours on the beach as the day comes to an end.
Something really funny happened tonight. as I was writing this entry my daughter called- she just arrived safely and her dad already picked her up. We talked for a few minutes and after she hung up I just fell asleep I guess, because the next thing I remember is waking up again at 5:30 in the morning, still in my clothes… I don’t remember the last time it happened to me; it makes me feel like a teenager.
So here you go a very truncated entry, but a funny incident. I guess I was tired…
I am thankful my daughter got safely to the other side of the world; I hope she’ll have a wonderful time with her dad and siblings and old friends. I am thankful for a lovely afternoon on the beach. I am thankful I am taking the time to read again, to read so much that my eyes hurt; I was so busy in the past few months, I didn’t leave time for simple pleasures and I am so thankful for this very special evening because of that as well.

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