Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Spring Again

Day 448 – It was another warm day and after work I went to the beach again. I had my book with me and my music and it was so wonderful to enjoy a relaxed afternoon on the beach in the middle of April. I live here for almost two years now and I still look in so much wonderment at the short and intense spring and the early summer. I know there might still be few rains, but the winter is way behind us already and it the beginning of summer. I love this shoulder season, not really spring like we use to have over there, but still a very nice semi-season. Everything is in bloom and you can see the development from one day to the next. Still everything is so green but in a few weeks it will be yellow and almost unconscious because of the heat. The air is infused with the fragrances of the flowers and the trees; and everything feels so fresh and full of promise. For me it is the best time of the year; the perfect time.
I am thankful for another day on the beach. I am thankful I live here now and I get to enjoy this very special and short season. For 22 years that we lived abroad I could not be here during the spring and enjoy it in all its splendor. I promised myself not to take things for granted; I sure don’t take this and I am thankful, so very thankful for every flower, bird and smell; my heart is soaring with joy, to be alive, to be well and to be here, what else can I ask for…

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