Monday, April 30, 2012

Done with the Test

Day 468 – So we had the test today and it was very thorough but very fair. And I found out I studied really well, even though I went to sleep early yesterday night and finished it, as planned, this morning. I got almost perfect score but more importantly, I finished it after 15 minutes! My instructor was surprised when I gave him the test, about 15 minutes before the next one. So my first reaction was that I studied too much, but then I thought better of it. I studied seriously, but now I know the differences between the Catholic the Orthodox and the Protestant churches; I know about the Muslim holidays and what a Haj is; I know that underneath all the multiple Indian gods there is one god and what each avatar represents; I know that Brahman and Atman are one and I will have to reach nirvana to understand that; and I know how little I knew before about Judaism, even though I am Jewish. So, no, I didn’t study too much. It is good for my own knowledge and if I ever want to be a good tour director, I have to know all that, so I’ll know what I am talking about and you cannot be a TD in Europe without understanding the religions there and all the wars that were fought in the name of this or that religion. But I am happy that the test is behind me, it’s not easy to find time to study after work and all my extra curriculum classes. Now I will start working on my final project to prevent another mad dash to the finish line – my regular mode of operation.
I am thankful I am done with my test, the first one in this class. I am thankful for this opportunity to put everything together and really understand what we studied for the past few months; sadly only when tests are coming we find the time to organize and understand everything. I am thankful I have a relaxed evening. And most of all I am so thankful my daughter is coming back tomorrow two days ahead of schedule; she was away for almost a month and I am so happy she is coming back tomorrow. 

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