Sunday, August 19, 2012

Testing My Boundaries From a Different Angle

Day 579 - checking in, checking out; will write more later.
And now is later. 
Few days ago my MF suggested I should get a killer hair cut and outfit for my upcoming trip. He is big on taking care of oneself; of self pampering and it is sure something I can learn from him, because I never do that. Thinking about his idea, I could see a lot of good coming out of it. I watched enough TV shows of "what not to wear" to know how much a total make over can do to a person and decided that he is absolutely right and I am going to take it a step further. So today I called a personal stylist and I set an appointment with her. We are going to cover hair, make up and even go shopping on our first meeting; and later she'll come to my house, go over my cloths and tell me what to keep and what not and also how to match them, what accessories to add and who knows what else. One thing for sure, it is going to be a major change; I wanted to write that my life is about to change but that is exaggeration, but I am in for a real treat I am sure about that and I am so happy I am giving myself this special gift. I can't wait for it to start.
I am thankful to him for coming up with such an awesome idea and for his sensitivity to present it to me in a way I was able to accept and embrace it. I am thankful I found in me the kindness to give myself such a special gift. I am thankful I am taking one more step in the direction of self discovery and opening up and I am so thankful to him for his help. It is so easy to judge people, even the ones closest to us, but once I was able to lift my gaze and see the bigger picture I get so many wonderful gifts; so I am especially thankful for all the little lessons his presence in my life give me the opportunity to receive. I am thankful for such an earth shuttering day.  

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