Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Since I lived in both places

Day 588 - another beautiful day. by now I realized that one of the main differences between here and there is the humidity. It is above 80% all summer long over there and you get out of the house and in minutes, were as here I can ware clothes the whole day and they still smell fresh at the end of the day. this is sure something I miss there, I don't like the humidity, I don't like the fact that my skin is sticky all summer long, that the first thing we do as we get into the house or the office or the car is to turn on the A/C. But don't read into this too much, I am just stating the facts not laying the ground for moving back here - no way. But the nice thing is that now I can see also the good things. When I just moved back to my homeland I could not acknowledge the good things here, everything was dark and bad and I didn't want anything to do with it. Now I am facing it with open eyes and I can say that I know some things are much better here, but I am choosing to live there, because it feels right for me, and I am very happy there. I am planning to meet few people here tomorrow and it is amazing for me, almost sad, that after 14 years that I lived here I have so few friends, I have more friends in my homeland after only 2 years; one of the reasons I like it there. I left here two of my children and one really good friend, the one I am staying with for the week, but this is all I got here, everything else is there. So since I am here and I have open hours during the day I meet some of my friends but it makes me a little sad to think that this was how I lived for so many years; so isolated and unattached. I see all the luxury and all the easy life that are the essence of living here but I can see also the other side, the things that were part of the reasons I decided to move back and I see them also in a much clearer way now.

I am thankful for everything I experience here this week, I am now in a position that I actually see and understand things and so it put a mirror to my face, a very positive thing indeed. I am thankful for this visit, for time I can spend with my daughter and granddaughter and time I can spend with my friend. I am thankful for being here, for all the convenience that living here offers and I am thankful that this is not where I live, that I chose life that is more difficult and challenging but a better fit for me. I am thankful to my family and all my friends and especially to my youngest daughter who made it such a wonderful experience; who made me fall in love with it.

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