Saturday, October 12, 2013

The end of my trip

Day 996 - in a few hours I am heading to the airport. So this is a good time to say my goodbyes. My wonderful son spent the whole day with me, until I crashed. I was suddenly so tired I had to sleep. But until then it was simply a wonderful day. We had lunch together and coffee later and he practiced his presentation he is going to give next week. It made me so happy and proud to see how much he matured in the past few years and how he is becoming a serious businessman. I like his whimsical nature and lightheadedness, I like he doesn't take himself too seriously. But there is time for everything and it seems to me he is learning that; something good to have in your toolbox. The most important was just to have quality time together. Being so far away and not so good on the remote communication deal, it is so wonderful to meet every so often and reconnect. And so here I am, I said my last goodbye, slept for three hours straight and now I am ready to go back home. It was an amazing visit and I am going back so happy.
I am thankful to my friends and to my kids for making this trip so very special. I am thankful to my son for giving his time freely, for being with me almost every day in the past two and a half weeks. I am thankful to him for putting his heart into it all, for all the talks and discussion; for making it fun, like in the old days, only better.

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