Monday, October 21, 2013

Eight hours of sleep

Day 1005 - I don't know what to write tonight and I really don't want to invest right now too much time thinking about it since it's already 11:20 pm and no matter what, I won't make it to bed much before midnight. But I can wake up a little later tomorrow so I will be able to get almost 8 hours of sleep - don't remember when was the last time it happened. So here we go, a very short entry and I am very proud of myself for sticking to my decision to change my sleeping habits. It's been a long and productive day with so many little details, so many things to be thankful for but the most important is coming right up. 
I am thankful for a productive day, for so much progress regarding my store. I am thankful it is now 11:26 and I am about to get 8 hours of sleep!!! good night.

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