Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Spiritual journey

Day 991 - met with a good friend today. We started together on our spiritual journey about 10 years ago. It was not something people did in the place we were living and definitely not a conversation topic, so with time we became each other's partners to this journey; to share thoughts, feelings, ideas. In a place were most discussions  are shallow and never disturb the surface we were a sanctuary and our meetings always filled with serious talks, And we both enjoyed it very much. So today we met for lunch and it was nice as always.I could feel and she did as well that I changed since last time we met, I learned a lot in the past three years. I am stronger, calmer and much more spiritual;I have a quiet place in me that was not there before. I feel it, but it is nice to see that it shows to the outside. And of course, I am so happy, and that shows too.
I am thankful for this meeting with this special friend. I am thankful for a very interesting conversation. I am thankful for the journey I took, the places it brought me and for whatever lies ahead

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