Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sleep issues, again

Day 1004 - I don't sleep enough, I just don't; and as much as I try to change it I run every night the same story line. Somehow I suddenly realize it is again almost 1 am and I still didn't write my blog, nor showered. And again it's too late and too short of a night. Every once in a while I just crush and sleep a little more for a few days and then get back, once again, to my very destructive pattern. Friday night I went to sleep way past 3 am just to wake up four hours later for a full day of work in the store. I went to sleep early, that is few minutes before midnight that night but I woke up very early today and I got more and more tired as the day progressed. I think I am taking it too far and I have to do something about it. It is an act of self love; an act of taking care of my body before I will bring it to its knees and something will have to give. I sure don't want that to happen. So from now on ill do my best to get into bed before midnight every day. It sheer stupidity to push myself to the point if no return. And so I am doing just that right now. And will try to do the same on days to come. Good Night everyone.

I am thankful I have a soft bed, and blankets, and a roof over my head as I go to sleep tonight. I am thankful I have a place to rest my tired body, sheltered and safe. I am thankful for another day on this planet.

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