Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Ability to Change the Script

Day 364 – It is almost a cliché to say that we cannot control the roll of the dice, we cannot control the circumstances and they are random so many times. It is nice to think that we will be rewarded for good deeds, for good behavior, but too many times it is not. Bad things do happen to great people. Choosing our circumstances is not in the realm of our powers. We do however, have full control of how we react to these events, at least we strive for this control. This is how we are measured as people, in our reactions to the things that befall us. How we react in good times and bad. How graceful and humble we are at times of triumph and at times of defeat, of trials. How we take those challenges and make them into growing experiences, how we get better for having them in our lives. It is in our power to choose the script of our lives. And I just realized once again that I really don’t have extra time to waste on being sad, or even worse – depressed. I already lived more than half of my life, I don't have not enough days left to my name, let along to just waste them. What I wanted to say is very simple –
1.      Life is too short to waste even one day.
2.      I can decide whether I want to be sad or not, and I am choosing NOT.
I am going to enjoy sunsets because I like them, even if no one else can share the moment with me. I will enjoy once again the enchanting music of Beethoven's Piano Concerto just because it’s my favorite musical piece, even if i have no one to share it with me, it will always caresses every corner of my soul and fill it with pure magic. My life can be and will be wonderful, just because this is how I want to live them, full of magic, no matter what the external circumstances are. I am choosing happiness. I seem to forget how happy I was to come here, to be back in my beloved country, on my own. I am going to the same place again, to that euphoric feeling of invincibility and full potential.
I am thankful I finally came to this important realization. I am thankful it is in my power to change my life simply by choosing my reactions more carefully.  I am thankful I can air my soul again and let it take a flight; I hope I'll never forget that again.

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