Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Full Year Passed

Day 365 It was exactly a year ago when I embarked on this adventure – writing a blog every day. The idea was to constantly examine my days and find the beauty and joy in everyday life, to keep them fresh. I never thought it will become such an integral part of my life, and also my life’s story in a nutshell. I went through happy times and sad times, I was lonely and I met new friends; I came here so positive I’ll never want to be in a relationship with a man again and throughout the year I realized that I actually do want some sort of connection, and I even found love and got my heart broken, all in one year. I finished the legal breaking of my marriage, I had a serious rift with my daughter, and we worked it out. My first granddaughter was born, I started taking classes. I found my inner artist, I am writing a book. A journey down memory lane. So many things happened over 365 days, all are accounted for; I attached meaning to all. It became my personal journey and I love it for that. I read through the entries and have every day right there, with its unique signature, with its little story to tell. I wrote yesterday about having such a short time here on earth, about having no day to waste; my blog keeps me on top of that one, because I have to write about it later so it pushes me to act, to think, to explore. When I meet new people and they want to know a little about me, I send them to my blog. I will never be able to explain it better than that. It is me, as honest as I possibly can; I am spilling my heart and my thoughts into cyberspace, take off my masks, expose my soul.
I am thankful for this amazing idea to start a blog, it did for me more than I ever thought possible, and it’s definitely not something I set up to do. I am thankful for everything that happened this year, good things and bad. I am thankful for all the trials and for all the good that came my way. I hope I was able to face both at the level of the eye. I am thankful I able to write my blog every day, no exception. I am so thankful that I have 365 days that are all accounted for, all there in a long, long line. I am especially thankful to you my dear readers for being companions to my journey.   

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