Saturday, January 28, 2012

Some Progress with my Cambodia Report

Day 375 I got up late today and it was so nice. The weather was beautiful and after my morning pages I went for a walk in the park, just to realize the weather has changed and it started to rain. The rest of my day was divided between research about Cambodia for my project and a several e-mails to this unknown friend. I have to admit I enjoyed both. I learned a lot about Cambodia and I am making serious progress. I did the history part, not done yet since I did only recent history and did not go yet to the time of the Angkor kingdom. But I will finish that part during the week. I read about the time of the Khmer Rouge in the 70’s and the genocide they had done with an estimate of 1/7 million people dead. It is so sad and very hard to grasp that people will do something like that to their own, to anyone actually. I knew when I chose the country that I will have to read about this era and my heart goes to the people of this country that suffered so much under the Khmer Rouge and later through a Vietnamese occupation and a civil war. And even now it is not really peaceful yet, just better than it was. But the good news it is getting better and prosperity starts to touch their lives and it is an up and coming tourist destination which will further improve their situation.   
I am thankful for a day I spent doing research and increasing my knowledge about something I knew so little about before. I am thankful it increases my social conscious and makes me more aware of problems elsewhere. I am thankful I will be able to do my little part to help by bringing tourist to Cambodia. And I am particularly thankful to my friend that kept mailing me and making my day so much more pleasant for that.    

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