Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My First Gym Day on 2012

Day 351 – With all the visits in the past few weeks I didn’t go much to the gym. And it is a new year and I want to be so much better about it and so today I came home from work and without even go into my home, because I know how it will end, I just picked up my car and drove to the gym. And I am happy to report it was the best thing I could do for myself. My knee is seriously bothering me in the past two weeks and so I didn’t run, or even walked on the treadmill, but instead I used the stationary bikes on low resistance and just pedaled, moving my knee in the most controlled way. I felt much better for the rest of the evening. Coming home I had several plans but I got caught up in something and 4 hours later instead of going to sleep I was still on the internet, researching away. So I was good about one thing and not so much about another. I sure have to pay more attention to my sleeping hours, I am not doing that enough and I have to be more caring and actually sleep. But never the less, it was a very enjoyable evening and I am very happy about that. I am especially happy about the gym. I made it a New Year Resolution to go at least twice a week to the gym; today is my first one for the week and I’ll go again on Friday.        
I am thankful for a lovely evening. I am thankful I went to the gym and followed my resolution. I am thankful my knee got better. I am thankful tomorrow is another day and it gives me a chance to do things differently, such as sleeping. I am thankful for so many chances I get to do things right.        

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