Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Night Live

Day 374 I just came back from a concert. It is one of my favorite singers, Yehuda Poliker. I have few of his CDs but I never been to any of his concerts and boy, that was something else. He is an amazing performer and gives his all during the show, three hours without any intermission. He plays guitar and bouzouki and he sings with all his heart, and towards the end most of the crowd was standing and dancing, me included of course. I love dancing and I love this kind of music (strong Greek influence), I just didn’t want to be the first one to do so J.
He has some very quiet songs as well, very sad ones, and they always bring tears to my eyes, even in a live performance, even when they are between much happier and upbeat ones. And I just decided I am going to buy his new CD; I really like his music. He writes very personal stories about love and hope and broken dreams.  Many of his songs are with so much pain and he writes in a way that it feels as if it comes right out of my own heart.
While I was waiting for the show to start I checked my email and saw I got one more mail from my new unknown friend. We write to each other few times a day now, and I am really looking forward to each one these e-mails.
I am thankful for a wonderful Friday that culminated in this unforgettable performance; I am still listening as I write to his songs on YouTube; he is so talented, it is amazing. I am thankful I decided to go alone when I could not find anyone to go with me; it is not a performance to miss. I am thankful for a wonderful Friday; I even took a nap, something I seldom do.  

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